Knowledge regarding postnatal diet among postnatal mother’s admitted in selected hospitals of Pune city
Larry Wagh, Sayali Hagavane, Priyanka Bhalerao and Sonali Gaikwad
A good post-partum care and well giving birth to a new life can be very emotional and at the same time very exhausting but this is also phase of balanced diet during the puerperal period can for rest of her life A study was undertaken was to assess the knowledge regarding postnatal diet among postnatal mothers admitted in selected Hospitals of Pune city”. Objectives of the study are to assess the knowledge regarding postnatal diet among postnatal mothers, and To associates the findings with selected demographic variable.
A non-experimental research design was adopted to conduct the study. A total of 100 samples was selected by using non probability convenient sampling technique. Study instrument was self-structured questionnaire used by the researcher, section 1 consist of demographic variables and section 2 consist of structured knowledge questionnaire. The tool was content validated by expert and translated in to Marathi which was again validate.
The value is 0.71 which is reliable. Maximum sample (45%) were in the age group of 16 to 22 years maximum samples (67%) were Hindu, Maximum sample (47%) studied till Graduation,. maximum sample (65%) are having job as a Private sector employee, Maximum samples (74%) are having family income between Rs 10001-30000. maximum samples (53%) belongs to nuclear family. Majority (20%) of the sample had average knowledge. followed by (74%) was in good knowledge score, 10% of the mother had poor knowledge and (6%) of mother had poor knowledge score about postnatal diet.
Larry Wagh, Sayali Hagavane, Priyanka Bhalerao, Sonali Gaikwad. Knowledge regarding postnatal diet among postnatal mother’s admitted in selected hospitals of Pune city. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2018;1(1):09-11. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2018.v1.i1a.4