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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice

2018, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A

A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding menopause among menopausal women at Nellipaka, Bhadrachalam, Telangana

Sahithi M and Latha P

Background: When a woman stops menstruating and can no longer get pregnant -- is a natural event, not a disease or illness. However, for some women the physical and emotional symptoms can be difficult. Menopause involves hormonal changes in your body that may cause physical symptoms: As the ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone, the female sex hormones, estrogen levels decline over a period of years. That decline can cause hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.
Objectives: 1. To assess the pre -test & post test knowledge of women regarding menopause. 2. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on menopause. 3. To find the association between knowledge and selected demographic variables.
Methods: A quantitative research approach and quasi -experimental One group pre test post test design was used. Through purposive sampling technique 60 menopausal women were selected.
Results: In pretest, majority of the menopausal women (88%) were had inadequate knowledge, followed by 8% of them were had moderate knowledge and only 3% of them were had adequate knowledge regarding menopause. In post test, majority of the menopausal women (83%) were had moderate knowledge followed by 17% of them were had adequate knowledge and none of them women were had inadequate knowledge regarding menopause.
Pages : 19-21 | 2508 Views | 1339 Downloads

International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice
How to cite this article:
Sahithi M, Latha P. A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program on knowledge regarding menopause among menopausal women at Nellipaka, Bhadrachalam, Telangana. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2018;1(1):19-21. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2018.v1.i1a.7
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