Role play on drugs non-compliance among caretakers of mentally Ill clients in tertiary hospitals, Coimbatore
M Baskaran, Dr. A Jayasudha, Sini Elzibeth Thomas and Sneha Francis
Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Role play on drug non compliance among caretakers of mentally ill clients.
Methodology: Pre experimental one group pretest – posttest design was adopted. Convenient sampling technique was used and 30 caretakers of mentally ill clients were selected at PSG Hospital, Peelamedu, and Coimbatore. The data was collected, organized and analyzed in terms of both descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: The analysis revealed that the mean value of pretest was 7.92±3.92 and was increased in posttest to 17.36±2.67 The‘t’ value was 10.92, which had high statistical significance at p<0.05 level and which confirms that there was a statistically significant difference between pretest and posttest level of knowledge on non-compliance to drug among caretakers of mentally ill clients.
Conclusion: This study proves that Role play was effective in improving level of knowledge on non-compliance to drug among caretakers of mentally ill clients.
M Baskaran, Dr. A Jayasudha, Sini Elzibeth Thomas, Sneha Francis. Role play on drugs non-compliance among caretakers of mentally Ill clients in tertiary hospitals, Coimbatore. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2018;1(2):07-10. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2018.v1.i2a.11