Evaluate the effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding prevention of heart diseases among patients with hypertension attending OPD in J. K. Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Surabhi Khare and T Jayakumar
Background: Hypertension is one of the most crucial health problem and the most common chronic disease in developed and underdeveloped countries. An estimated 972 million people in the world wide suffering from high blood pressure. Incidence rate of hypertension range 3% to 18% depending on the age, gender, ethnicity & body size.
Material & Methods: A Pre experimental study with one group pre-test post-test design with evaluative approach was adopted for the present study. The structured knowledge questionnaire was developed to collect the data from 40 hypertensive patients attending OPD in J.K. Hospital Bhopal. The samples were selected by using Non Probability convenient sampling technique and written& informed consent was taken from the Hypertensive patients.
Results: The finding of the study was found that pre test mean knowledge was (7.575+2.11) and post test mean knowledge score was (14.7+1.95) The significance of finding was obtained by using paired “t” test, the value of knowledge score was 29.28 (p<0.005) emphasizing the significance of findings Conclusion: This study concludes that there is improvement in the level of knowledge of patient with hypertension which indicates that the structured teaching programme is effective. The socio demographic variables of patient with hypertension significantly associated with the pre test knowledge score.
Surabhi Khare, T Jayakumar. Evaluate the effectiveness of STP on knowledge regarding prevention of heart diseases among patients with hypertension attending OPD in J. K. Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2019;2(2):43-45. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2019.v2.i2a.44