A study on the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding use of body mechanics among pregnant women, selected hospital, Dehradun
Asha Devi, Priya JP Narayan and Upma George
To assess the pre-test knowledge level on use of body mechanics among pregnant women.
To develop structured teaching programme on use of body mechanics among pregnant women.
To evaluate the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on use of body mechanics among pregnant women.
To determine the association between the posttest mean score and selected demographic variables.
Methodology: A Quantitative research approach was adopted for present study. Total 60 Pregnant women were selected through convenient sampling technique. Data was collected by Demographic Performa and self-reported interview schedule. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Result: The mean post-test score of knowledge regarding body mechanics 17.8(SD=3.6) was higher than the mean pretest score of knowledge regarding body mechanics 10.4 (SD=2.9). The mean difference shown was 7.4.The ‘t’value was 15.8 and found statistically significant at (p<0.05) level of significance. It shows the real difference exist between the pretest and posttest score of knowledge. It indicate that increase in knowledge regarding body mechanics during pregnancy was not by chance but because of intervention. There was significant association found between the pretest levels of knowledge score with education. Hence, it was interpreted that teaching on use of proper body mechanics was significantly effective in increasing the knowledge of pregnant women.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the administration of body mechanics teaching program was effective as a method to enhance the knowledge of pregnant women.
Asha Devi, Priya JP Narayan, Upma George. A study on the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding use of body mechanics among pregnant women, selected hospital, Dehradun. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2020;3(1):01-05. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2020.v3.i1a.47