Intrapartum care experience and assessment of the factors associated with it as voiced by women
JW Kabo and AB Wakoli
Childbirth experience plays a crucial role in how mothers foster positive feelings towards their newborn, good self-esteem, adaptation to the roles of motherhood, and future delivery. It is therefore important to identify factors that positively or negatively influence the birth experience. The study objective was to determine the social-demographic variables associated with intrapartum care experience at a tertiary Hospital in Kenya. This cross-sectional descriptive design employed systematic sampling to recruit 109 mothers. An established research instrument with local cultural adaptations was used. Independent variables were; parity, marital status, occupation, monthly income and education level. Dependent variables were effective communication; respect, care and dignity and emotional support. Almost half of the mothers were aged between 20-24 years, over two thirds (71.6%) were married, with almost half (48.6) attaining primary education and over a third (37.6%), secondary. Nearly half (45%) were self-employed, (52%) earned US$ 50-99.9 per month. Marital status (rs=-0.192, p=0.046) was significantly associated with midwives explanations, perceived to be in understandable terms. An inverse significant rs=-0.192, p=0.045 correlation, was found between being employed and explanation of procedures being performed. There was an inverse significant (rs=-0.216, p=0.024) correlation between being employed and genuine interest displayed by midwives. An inverse significant (rs=-0.202, p=0.036) correlation, was found between marital status and mothers being asked for consent before procedures. Majority reported being treated with respect, were accorded privacy, and had consent requested before procedures. Many reported they were left alone (88.1%), and almost all mothers were "scolded" by their midwives during child birth (97.2%). The study revealed that various sociodemographic factors influence mothers’ experience of care during the intrapartum period. Midwives need to be cognizant of this in order to improve quality of maternal care in Kenya.
JW Kabo, AB Wakoli. Intrapartum care experience and assessment of the factors associated with it as voiced by women. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2020;3(1):06-12. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2020.v3.i1a.48