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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice

2021, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part C

A study to assess menopausal symptoms and coping strategies among middle age women in rural areas of Chamarajanagar district

Madhu S, Sathish DK and Vinay Kumar G

Objective: To assess menopausal symptoms among women of age 40-60 years and to correlate identified menopausal problems with coping strategies found in middle age women in rural areas of Chamarajanagar district.
Methodology: Questionnaire on demographic Performa. Modified Menopause Rating Scale [MRS] questionnaire, 150 menopausal women aged 40-60 years were interviewed to document 11 symptoms (divided into somatic, psychological and urogenital domain) commonly associated with menopause The women were asked whether or not they had experienced the 11 menopausal symptoms shown in the MRS in the previous one month (30 days) and grading was made to “present” or “absent” of symptoms.
Results: Present study reveals among 150 women majority of the Women in the age group between 40 to 45 years (44%). Majority of the women are in menopausal status (44.6%), majority of women are married (88%) and belongs to Hindu religion (92.7%).More number of women are housewives (74%) and their families had an income of rupees below 5001-10000/-(58%) with their education status is illiterate (49%) and BMI is 18.6-25(43.3%).60% of the women having severe symptoms, 24% shows moderate symptoms and 16% of women having mild symptoms. Among 150 middle age women 98 women that is 65.3% adopt poor coping strategies and 52 women that is 34.7% women adopt good coping strategies. Among 150 women 129 (86%) having Hot flashes, sweating (episodes of sweating).122(81.3%) having Heart discomfort (unusual awareness of heart beat, heart skipping, heart racing, tightness) Sleep problems. 134(89.3%) having (difficulty in falling asleep, difficulty in sleeping through the night, waking up early140 (93.3%).having Joint and muscular discomfort (pain in the joints, rheumatoid complaints.111(74%)having Depressive mood (feeling down, sad, on the verge of tears, lack of drive, mood swings ).128(85.3%) shows Irritability (feeling nervous, inner tension, feeling aggressive). 114 (76%) having Anxiety (inner restlessness, feeling panicky. 110(73.3%) having Physical and mental exhaustion (general decrease in performance, impaired memory, decrease in concentration, forgetfulness. 86 (57.3%) Sexual problems (change in sexual desire, in sexual activity and satisfaction. 101(67.3%) Bladder problems (difficulty in urinating, increased need to urinate, bladder incontinence. 99(66%) having Dryness of vagina (sensation of dryness or burning in the vagina, difficulty with sexual intercourse among150 women 68(45.3) adopt Self-calming skills (Exercise, Yoga, Breathing relaxation exercise) as coping strategy.74 (49.3%) women adopt dietary practice and weight controlling as coping strategy Creative activities 81(54%) women practice, Creative activities and maintaining social relationship as coping strategy. Demographic variables such as Education and family income shows significance at the level of 0.005 to menopausal score and age, menopause status, marital status religion occupation and BMI are not significance at level of 0.005. that Demographic variables such as age and education shows significance at the level of 0.005 to coping score and menopause status, marital status religion occupation family income and BMI are not significance at level of 0.005.
Conclusion: study shows that majority of women in middle age suffer from severe menopausal symptoms and most of the women not aware of skill to adopt coping strategies
Pages : 137-142 | 1260 Views | 766 Downloads

International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice
How to cite this article:
Madhu S, Sathish DK, Vinay Kumar G. A study to assess menopausal symptoms and coping strategies among middle age women in rural areas of Chamarajanagar district. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2021;4(2):137-142. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2021.v4.i2c.103
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