A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding covid 19 and its management of pregnant women among final year graduate nursing students in selected nursing colleges at Nagpur city
Introduction: COVID-19 is a new respiratory infection that started from Wuhan Province in China and rapidly became widespread in all parts of the world, making the WHO call it “the pandemic of the century”. Pregnant women are more susceptible to developing severe cases of COVID-19. SARS also belongs to the same family of COVID-19, with 25% case fatality rate during pregnancy and various prenatal complications.
Aim: To assess the knowledge regarding covid-19 and its management of pregnant women among the final year graduate nursing students in selected and nursing college at Nagpur city.
Method: Qualitative research approach and non experimental descriptive research design was used for the study.
Sample: The sample was selected using the non probability convenience sampling technique. A sample, of 60 final year graduate nursing students in selected college at city.
Result and Conclusion: The knowledge regarding covid-19 and its management of pregnant women among the final year graduate nursing students, 0% students had poor knowledge, 33 students had average knowledge, 63.33 students had good knowledge and 0 had very good knowledge and 3.33 student having excellent knowledge. Chi square test is used to assess the significant association between demographic variables that is age, gender, residence, previous knowledge, source of information and previous experience of giving care to covid-19 positive ANC mother.
Himanshi Chouhan, Shilpa Borkar, Snehal Badge, Aniket Patange, Mercy Anjore. A descriptive study to assess the knowledge regarding covid 19 and its management of pregnant women among final year graduate nursing students in selected nursing colleges at Nagpur city. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2022;5(1):01-06. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2022.v5.i1a.105