Midwives are the best agents responsible for making labour event as a joyful and cheerful experience to cherish throughout women’s life. Reducing anxiety and gaining confidence by enhancing knowledge about childbirth can be considered an important factor in influencing a primi parturient’s intrapartum behaviour and birthing experience. Educating the women regarding labour events, roles to be performed during labour process facilitates effective intrapartum coping behaviour.
Methodology: An experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of a video assisted labour process teaching on intrapartum behavior among primiparturients during active labour in selected maternity units of tertiary care hospitals of Western Maharashtra. Total 88 primiparturients having singleton pregnancy at and above 37weeks of gestation were selected through purposive sampling technique followed by random allocation into experimental (n=44) and control group (n=44) by chit method. Tool used was Intrapartum Behavioural Observation Rating Scale for assessing intrapartum behaviour. Video was administered during latent labour to the primiparturients in experimental group. Intrapartum behavior among primiparturients was assessed during active labour.
Results: The mean intra-partum behavior score increased from 28.45+19.756 in control group to 68.55+21.521in experimental group (p<0.0001).
Conclusion: Study revealed that video assisted labour process teaching as an effective method of promoting effective intrapartum behavior among primiparturients during active labour. Also, it is a cost effective method and can be used by midwives independently to develop maternal confidence and effective intrapartum coping strategies during labour.
Usha Pandey, Sivapriya S, Sindhumol PK, Aruna Aravindan, Chanchal Arora, Keka Chatterjee, Sushila Bishnoi. Effectiveness of video assisted labour process teaching on intrapartum behaviour among primiparturients during active labour. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2022;5(1):35-40. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2022.v5.i1a.114