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International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice

2023, Vol. 6, Issue 2, Part A

A study to assess the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions on mechanical back pain and functional disability among the staff nurses at selected hospital

Stella J, B Tamilarasi and Kanimozhi M

Ergonomics deals with the interaction of technological and work situations with the human being. Ergonomic exercises include hand stretches, arm stretches and back stretches. Prevention measures for the reduction of mechanical back pain are exercise, diet, cessation of smoking, maintain body weight, standing, sitting and lifting posture, do not lift and twist at the same time, moving things, driving. A Study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions on mechanical back pain and functional disability among the staff nurses at selected hospital in Chennai. A pre experimental one group pre-test post-test design. Thirty staff nurses with mechanical back pain and functional disability who fulfilled the inclusion criteria, were selected by purposive sampling technique. To assess the pre-test level of mechanical back pain and functional disability by using the Numerical pain scale and Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire. Ergonomic intervention of quadriceps stretch, hip flexor stretches, abductor stretch, hamstring stretch, dynamic hamstring stretches, supine butt lift with arms at side and weak gluteal muscles was given for 30 minutes daily for 14 days. A post-test was conducted to assess the level of mechanical back pain and functional disability by using the same Numerical pain scale and Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire after one month. The study findings showed that the pre-test mean score was 3.03 with standard deviation was 1.07 and post-test mean score was 5.90 with standard deviation 2.98. The paired ‘t’ test value of 21.07, was very highly significant at p<0.001 level. The comparison of mean and standard deviation between pre-test and post-test level of functional disability among the staff nurses. The paired ‘t’ test value of 17.61 was very highly significant at p<0.001 level.
Pages : 36-40 | 595 Views | 265 Downloads

International Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Practice
How to cite this article:
Stella J, B Tamilarasi, Kanimozhi M. A study to assess the effectiveness of ergonomic interventions on mechanical back pain and functional disability among the staff nurses at selected hospital. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2023;6(2):36-40. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2023.v6.i2a.143
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