A descriptive study to assess the level of stress among ante-natal mothers in a selected urban health post, Chennai
Sumathi C, Dr. Ciby Jose and Vanvaguladevi J
Background: Pregnancy is a beautiful journey in the life of every woman. Pregnancy is a time of growth and hope. Pregnancy is a complex phenomenon which includes physiological, psychological and social changes. Accommodating a healthy pregnancy is one of the best ways to promote a healthy birth. Feeling stressed is common during pregnancy because pregnancy is a time of many changes. During pregnancy, it’s important to consider mental wellbeing as much as physical health of the ante-natal mother.
Methodology: A descriptive survey research design was chosen. A total of 60 Ante-natal mothers were selected by convenient sampling at selected urban health post, Chennai. Structured interview schedule was used to collect the data from ante-natal mothers. The perceived stress scale was used to assess the stress level among ante-natal mothers. The collected data were organized, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive statistics.
Results: The study reveals that 11 (18.3%) ante-natal mothers had low level of stress, 42 (70%) ante-natal mothers had moderate level of stress and 7 (11.6%) ante-natal mothers had high level of stress. The calculated chi square value showed that there was significant association was found in selected demographic variables such as education, type of family, parity, gestational age of the mother, present pregnancy, duration of sleep per day and types of previous delivery at p< 0.05.
Conclusion: The study shows that ante-natal mothers had moderate level of stress. Therefore, measures must be taken during the time of pregnancy like psychological support, ante-natal check-ups, counselling and family support, etc. to reduce the level of stress among ante-natal mothers.
Recommendations: This study recommends that all pregnant people should be screened and treated for perceived stress. Ante-natal mothers must be strongly evaluated and intervened for perceived stress.They can provide valuable educational material as well as conduct and coordinate strategies for health care plans to improve the maternal and infant health and initiate healthy therapeutic measurements for all pregnant women.
Sumathi C, Dr. Ciby Jose, Vanvaguladevi J. A descriptive study to assess the level of stress among ante-natal mothers in a selected urban health post, Chennai. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2024;7(1):05-08. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2024.v7.i1a.150