Midwives' crucial role in combatting maternal mortality
Andy Moumakwa and Tshiamiso A Chebanne
Maternal mortality remains a significant global health challenge, with substantial disparities in outcomes between high-income and low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs). Despite advancements in healthcare, the reduction of maternal deaths has been slow, indicating a need for focused interventions. Midwives play a pivotal role in this context, offering a spectrum of care that extends from antepartum to postpartum periods. This review synthesizes evidence on the impact of midwives in reducing maternal mortality, underscoring the importance of their expertise, the scope of practice, and the challenges faced in various settings.
Andy Moumakwa, Tshiamiso A Chebanne. Midwives' crucial role in combatting maternal mortality. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2024;7(1):25-27. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2024.v7.i1a.155