A study to assess the effectiveness of wellness program on polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls at selected colleges, Puducherry
L Cathrine Lourdu Marie, G Amudha and Dr. Malliga Kannan
Introduction: A study to assess the effectiveness of wellness program on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among adolescent girls at selected colleges, Puducherry.
?To assess the level of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among adolescent girls.
?To evaluate the effectiveness of wellness program on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among adolescent girls.
?To associate the level of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among adolescent girls with the selected demographic variables.
Methodology: Quasi Experimental (Non–randomized pre-test post-test with control group) design was adopted for the present study. The population of the study was only adolescent girls with the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. 40 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique, 20 in each group. Pre-test was done using CRONIN’s Modified Observational Scale to assess the symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome for both the group. Experimental group received wellness program and control group have not received any intervention. Post-test was conducted for both the group by using same tool.
Study findings: Pre-test revealed that none of them have no symptoms and minimal symptoms, 16(80%) have mild symptoms, 4(20%) have moderate symptoms and none of them have severe symptoms. In post-test, 6(30%) of them have no symptoms, 9(45%) have minimal symptoms, 5(25%) have mild symptoms and none of them had moderate and severe symptoms. In control group, during pre-test, none of them have no symptoms and minimal symptoms, 13(65%) of them have mild symptoms, 6(30%) of them have moderate symptoms, 1(5%) of them have severe symptoms. During post-test, none of them have no symptoms and minimal symptoms, 11(55%) have mild symptoms, 7(35%) have moderate symptoms, 2(10%) of them had severe symptoms. In experimental group, Pre-test mean and SD score was 29.3 and 7.24 respectively. Post-test mean and SD was 16.7 and 4.36614 respectively. In control group, Pre-test mean and SD score was 36.65 and 13.491 respectively. Post-test mean and SD was 37.4 and 12.721 respectively. The calculated ‘t’ value was 6.88, which was greater than the tabulated value at p<0.001 level. Hence the research hypothesis H1 was accepted. Also, there was a significant association found in Body Mass Index and Age at confirmation of PCOS with the selected variables. Hence, H2 was accepted.
Conclusion: The study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of wellness program on PCOS. The study concluded that wellness program was effective in reduction of symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome among adolescent girls.
L Cathrine Lourdu Marie, G Amudha, Dr. Malliga Kannan. A study to assess the effectiveness of wellness program on polycystic ovarian syndrome among adolescent girls at selected colleges, Puducherry. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2024;7(1):86-91. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2024.v7.i1b.163