to assess the effectiveness of pelvic bridge exercise on dysmenorrhoea among the adolescent girls at selected PU colleges of Kalaburagi
Daniya Rabab and Sudha Kurup
Background: Adolescence is a phase of development that occurs between infancy and maturity. It is marked by rapid physical, hormonal, emotional, and cognitive growth, as well as a shift from complete reliance on others to a greater level of self-sufficiency. Menarche is a significant physiological transition that occurs in adolescent girls. It is the transitional phase from childhood to adulthood.
Methodology: An evaluative approach with quasi experimental one group pretest-posttest design was adopted for the study. The samples from the selected pre university were selected using convenient sampling technique. The sample consisted of 50 adolescent girls studying at selected PU colleges. The tools used for data collection was Numerical pain scale.
Results: The study result reveal that, the pretest pain scores respondents mean was 6.74, median was 6.50, mode was 6 with standard deviation 1.13 and score range was 5-9. The posttest pain scores respondents mean was 3.18, median was 3, mode was 3 with standard deviation 2.08 and score range was 0-6. With regard to pretest level of pain it shows that, maximum 25(50%) respondents were having moderate level of pain, 23(46%) were having severe level of pain and remaining 2(4%) were had mild level of pain. During post-test maximum 25 (50%) of respondents were having mild level, 17(34%) were having moderate level of pain and remaining 8(16%) were not had pain during menstruation. The statistical paired ‘t’ implies that the difference in the pretest and post-test value was found statistically significant at 5% level (p<0.05) with a paired ‘t’ value of 18.96. There exists a statistical significance in the difference of pain score indicating the positive impact of pelvic bridge exercises.
Conclusion: The findings revealed that, level of pain and severity of dysmenorrhoea among participants during pretest was moderate to severe and is reduced as low after exposure to pelvic bridge exercises. Pelvic bridges exercises effective to reduce pain and symptoms of dysmenorrhoea of adolescent girls.
Daniya Rabab, Sudha Kurup. to assess the effectiveness of pelvic bridge exercise on dysmenorrhoea among the adolescent girls at selected PU colleges of Kalaburagi. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2024;7(2):01-05. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2024.v7.i2a.164