A study to evaluate effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding life style modifications of pregnancy induced hypertension among antenatal mothers in selected hospitals at Dharwad
Shweta R Sutar, Dr. Rhoda Jesuraj and Shweta Potnis
Background: Pregnancy is the time during which one or more offspring develops (gametes) inside a woman womb. Antenatal care is the systematic supervision of women during pregnancy to monitor the progress of fetal growth and to ascertain the well-being of the mother and the fetus. A proper antenatal check-up provides necessary care to the mother and helps identify any complications of pregnancy such as anemia, pre-eclampsia and hypertension etc. Gestational Hypertension also referred to as Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension (PIH) is a condition characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman has any of these risk factors, she might be at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure during pregnancy. There are some lifestyle modification to reduce risk exercise regularly, healthy diet, control weight, reduce stress, eat antenatal supplementation and take enough sleep and rest.
Methods: The research design selected for the study was Pre-Experimental research design of one group pre-test and post-test design. An evaluative design and quantitative approach were used in study. The sample of this study comprised of 60 antenatal mothers in selected hospital Dharwad. Convenient sampling technique was used to draw the sample for the study. Data about their knowledge regarding life style modifications of pregnancy induced hypertension was collected using structured knowledge questionnaire.
Major findings of study: In the present study, with regards to pre-test level of knowledge it shows that, maximum 36 (60%) respondents were having average knowledge, 16 (26.67%) respondents were having poor knowledge and remaining 8(13.33%) of respondents were having good knowledge regarding life style modifications of pregnancy induced hypertension to the antenatal mothers. In this present study there is significant association between post-test knowledge score and selected socio-demographic variables like age of mothers, religion, educational status of mother, family monthly income, place of residence, Gravida, previous knowledge about hypertension, source of knowledge. No significant association between post-test knowledge score and selected socio-demographic variables that were occupation of antenatal mother and type of family.
Interpretation and Conclusion: Findings of the study shows that mean post-test score of antenatal mothers are 20.35 is above 20 is categorized as good knowledge.
The calculated paired‘t’ test value is -11.45 which is found statistically significant. Hence, null hypothesis is rejected and research hypothesis is accepted. Hence, the structured teaching programme was effective in the enhancing the knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding life style modifications of pregnancy induced hypertension.
Shweta R Sutar, Dr. Rhoda Jesuraj, Shweta Potnis. A study to evaluate effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding life style modifications of pregnancy induced hypertension among antenatal mothers in selected hospitals at Dharwad. Int J Midwifery Nurs Pract 2024;7(2):14-20. DOI: 10.33545/26630427.2024.v7.i2a.167