Title and Authors Name |
Assessment of anemia among pregnant women at Al-Zahraa teaching hospital Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 01-05 |
A descriptive study to assess the knowledge and practice regarding usage of biodegradable sanitary napkins among adolescent girls in selected schools, at Madurai Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 06-08 |
The effectiveness of video assisted teaching on parent’s preparedness in reducing fear and anxiety among parents of pediatric patients hospitalized in critical care units in selected hospital Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 09-17 |
Impact of HPV education tool on women's understanding about cervical cancer prevention Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 18-21 |
Quality of life of breast cancer patients Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 22-24 |
Assessment risk factors for women with ectopic pregnancy in Al-Zashraa teaching hospital at Al-Najaf city Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 25-27 |
Impact of comprehensive interventional package on behavioural outcomes regarding management of menstrual problems among adolescents: A pilot study Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 28-34 |
The effect of using bengkung - belly bind on reducing diastasis rectus abdominis in postpartum mothers in private practice midwifery, Curup city, Rejang Lebong Regency Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 35-39 |
Review Article: Respect for women’s rights and maternity care Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 40-42 |
A study to assess effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge regarding preparation for motherhood among primigravida mothers in selected hospital Int. J. Midwifery Nurs. Pract., 2023; 6(1): 43-48 |